Terms and conditions of use
The object of the "conditions of use" (GCU) is set out in four legal terms for the terms and conditions of availability of the services of the site
https://dronetech-pt.com and for its use by the “User”.
Under these conditions, you will be allowed to use any user you wish to access the web site. Constituency of contract between your site and User. Access to the user's website means that you accept the conditions under which you are allowed to use.
If you do not accept the conditions of use stipulated in this contract, the User must renounce access to the services offered by this website.
https://dronetech-pt.com reserves the right to modify unilaterally or to contain these conditions which may not be used at any altitude.
The object of this clause is to define the various terms of the contract:
User: This term refers to someone who uses the web site or one of the services offered by the web site.
User report: These are the words transmitted by the user to the site.
Member: User turns to a member when identified on our web site.
User ID and password: this is all the information necessary to identify a user on our web site. Your login and password allows the User to access the services reserved for the members of the web site. A word of confidentiality.
Presentation of the web site.
Em virtude do artigo 6 da Lei n.º 2004-575 de 21 de junho de 2004 sober a confiança na economia digital, a identidade des varias pares envolvidas na sua criação e controlo é specificada aos utilizadores de sitio web https://dronetech- pt.com :
This web site is published by DIGITAL TECH LLC, registered by our commercial and business register, and is located at 4300 Ridgecrest Dr SE, Rio Rancho, New Mexico 87124, United States, under license number 6857205
Shopify Inc. 126 York St., Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 5T5, Canada.
For any information or advice, you can contact us directly: contact@shopdronetech.com
These conditions govern the use of the web site and the services offered.
Your web site is permitted by the User or you can access the following services:
Artigos de informação;
Anúncios classificados;
A connection between weights;
A publicação de commentsários / trabalhos pesoais;
In comparison of products.
Your web site is freely accessible to anyone local to anyone using it with access to the Internet. All our customers are affected by their User to access their service (computer hardware, software, Internet connection, etc.) if they have a User.
Consequent or case:
Your user does not have access to any of the services reserved for your members. To do this, you must identify yourself using your login and password.
Our web site uses all of its services at its disposal to guarantee access to the quality of its services. Please note that this is one of the best, the web site is not compromised to achieve this result.
Any event that occurs may result in incorrect operation of the system or server, and does not envolve you with the responsibility of the Dronetech.
You can access our website services at any time, subject to interruption, suspension, modification without prior notice for maintenance or otherwise. The compromised User has not claimed any compensation due to the interruption, suspension or modification of this contract.
You can contact the web site by e-mail to receive it: contact@shopdronetech.com
The web site https://dronetech-pt.com is regularly updated by Dronetech equipment. In the same way, our legal notices may be modified by some changes: this is not the case for the user who has consulted them or it is possible to take note of them.
Description of the services provided.
The website object https://dronetech-pt.com is providing information based on business activities.
Dronetech is trying to provide information on our web site https://dronetech-pt.com which is always accurate as far as possible. However, we are not responsible for omissions, imprecisions or deficiencies that arise, but we do not have any culpability or reasons for this information.
All information on our web site https://dronetech-pt.com is subject to alterations. Além disso, the information on our web site https://dronetech-pt.com is not exhaustive. É dado subject to modifications that have been placed on the line.
Contractual limitations on technical matters.
This web site is not responsible for any materials related to the use of the web site. Além disso, the user of the site is compromised to access the site using recent equipment, virus book and com um navegador updated with the latest generation.
Intellectual property and contravention.
Dronetech is the owner of intellectual property rights or data on the use of all elements available on the web, including text messages, images, graphics, logos, icons, sounds, software.
It supports any reproduction, representation, modification, publication, adaptation of all or part of the elements of the web site, independently of the method or process used, except with prior written authorization from: Dronetech
Any use not authorized by the web site or any elements of its contents will be considered as constitutive of an infrastructure and will be processed in agreement with the articles L.335-2 and the seguintes of the Intellectual Property Code.
Limitations of liability.
Dronetech is not responsible for any instructions and instructions caused by the user's equipment when accessing the web site https://dronetech-europe.com, and the results for the use of equipment that does not have the specification indicated under Ponto 4, for which it appears. a bug or an incompatibility.
Dronetech is not considered responsible for any information (but not as lost of market or loss of opportunity) resulting from the use of the web site https://dronetech-pt.com
These interactive areas (possibility of contacting the contact area) are available to users. Dronetech reserves the right to eliminate, without prior notice, any content published in this space that violates applicable French law, with particular provisions relating to the protection of children. Please note that Dronetech reserves the right to cause civil and/or criminal liability to the user, particularly in the event of messages of a racist, insulting, defamatory or pornographic nature, independently of the user (text messages, photos, etc.). ).
Gestão de dados pessoais.
In France, our children are protected by law n° 78-87 of 6 de Janeiro de 1978, a lei n° 2004-801 de 6 de Agosto de 2004, o artigo L. 226-13 do Código Penal ea Directiva Europeia de 24 of Outubro from 1995.
You can use the site https://dronetech-pt.com to collect the following information: o URL of links across the docks where the user accesses the site: https://dronetech-pt.com where you can access the user, or enter the Internet protocol (IP) of the user.
In some cases, Dronetech collects information from the user when you need some services offered on the web site https://dronetech-pt.com . The user's information is fully informed of the facts, especially when they enter. This information is specified by the user of the site https://dronetech-pt.com and is not necessary for this information to be provided.
Complies with our articles 38 and seguintes da Lei 78-17 de 6 de Janeiro de 1978 relating to the treatment of children, files and liberdades, some user has the right to access, retificar and opor-se aos dados pesoais que lhe dizem respeito, During the writing and assinado, a copy of the identity document is accompanied by the assinatura of the holder of the document, specified or received so that the response must be desired.
No personal information for the user of the web site https://dronetech-pt.com is published without the user's knowledge, trocada, transferida, cedida or vendida among some of the third parties. Apenas a assunção da reaquisição da dronetech e dos seusitos permitiria a transmitted das referidas informações aoeventual comprador that, no that lhe concerns, ficaria subjeito to mesma obrigaçois of conservaç dronetech-pt .com
This site has not been declared to CNIL and you have not received any personal information.
The child bases are protected by those provided in July 1, 1998, which is transposed to Directive 96/9 of 11, March 1996 relating to the legal protection of child bases.
Text and cookie links.
The web site https://dronetech-pt.com contains a series of links for other web sites, which are authorized by Dronetech. However, Dronetech does not have the ability to verify the history of sites as visited, and therefore does not assume responsibility for this fact.
Navigating our web site https://dronetech-pt.com can result in the installation of cookie(s) on your computer. A cookie is a small file that does not allow user identification, but only registers information relating to the navigation of a computer on its site. Our children have obtained this information to facilitate subsequent navigation on our web site, and also to allow varying frequency rates.
A refusal to install a cookie may cause it to become impossible to access certain services. Please note that the user can configure his or her computer in the following form to refuse the installation of cookies:
No Internet Explorer: separate ferrament (pictogram in the form of a gear cannot be higher direito) / Internet operations. Click to Confidentiality and Escolha Block all your cookies. Validar com Ok.
Sob Firefox: no list of the browser window, click on the Firefox bot, then go to separate Opções. Click on our privacy separator. Set as Retention Regards for: Use personalized settings for history. Finally, remove it to destroy your cookies.
No Safari: Click on the menu icon (symbolized by a gear) on the upper part of the navigation device. Select Definições. Click to see the advanced configurations. Na secção 'Privacy', click on 'Definitions of story'. In the 'Cookies' section, you can block your cookies.
In Cromo: Click on the menu icon (symbolized by very horizontal lines) on the upper part of the browser. Select Definições. Click to see the advanced configurations. In the "Privacy" section, click on our preferences. Do not separate “Privacy”, you can block your cookies.
As principais leis em causa.
Lei n° 78-17 de 6 de Janeiro de 1978, nomeadamente alterada pela Lei n° 2004-801 de 6 de Agosto de 2004 sobre tecnologias da informação, files and liberdades.
Lei n° 2004-575 de 21 de Junho de 2004 para a confinça na economia digital.
User: Internet user that connects and uses the epigraph site.
Current information: "information that permits, whether in any form, directly or not, the identification of individual fish at the docks applies" (art. 4 of law n° 78-17 of 6 of Janeiro of 1978).
This is a period of 14 days to keep track of the payment data to devolve the item(s) that you do not agree with, subject to the conditions established on our page Reembolso Policy